Putting Familes First
Will County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant strives to ensure Will County continues to be a place with the essential ingredients for families to thrive and grow: A strong workforce, growing economy, rising wages, and vibrant communities that people want to raise a family in. Jennifer has made substantial efforts to enhance services for both new and existing families and residents, improving accessibility to essential services, promoting public health, and enriching community life.

Healthy Families Initiative
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Will County News Article >
Your Times Southland Article>
Chicago Tribune Article >
Streets Blog Article >
Shaw Local Article >
Bertino-Tarrant has placed a strong emphasis on promoting healthy lifestyles and preventive care for families.
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Her administration has organized multiple healthy lifestyle pop-up events. These events provide residents with access to health screenings, wellness resources, and educational materials, empowering them to take control of their health.
The establishment of Sharefest, a free grocery store in New Lenox, underscores Jennifer’s focus on community health and wellness. This new store provides essential food resources to those in need, reflecting Bertino-Tarrant’s vision of strengthening community support systems.
Jennifer is committed to promoting outdoor activities and healthy lifestyles. She has supported new projects to expand recreational infrastructure, as well as enhance existing recreational opportunities, including new trails and connections throughout the county. Will County is set to build a Route 66 trail link, along with the new bike and pedestrian trails connecting Joliet and Lemont, and the recently opened Veterans Memorial Trail section. Additionally, the installation of 400 new trail signs enhances the usability and safety of these trails, making them more accessible to residents.
Expanding Access to Healthcare and Family Services
Shaw Local News TB Testing Article >
Chicago Tribune Article >
Will County News Article >
Shaw Local News Nursing & Teaching Scholarship Article >
Jennifer has spearheaded several initiatives aimed at expanding access to healthcare services and promoting public health in Will County.
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Her administration has focused on addressing the diverse needs of residents, ensuring that all communities have access to essential health services and resources.
One of Bertino-Tarrant’s notable efforts is the expansion of tuberculosis (TB) testing through the Will County Health Department. Recognizing the importance of early detection and treatment, this initiative has made TB testing more accessible, helping to protect public health across the county.
In addition to addressing infectious diseases, Bertino-Tarrant has been instrumental in launching the county’s first breast milk depot, which collects breast milk for babies in need. This facility provides crucial support to infants who require additional nutritional resources. Jennifer is committed to the health and well-being of our county’s most vulnerable residents.
Lastly, her administration has supported the growth of healthcare-related education and workforce development through scholarships for nursing and teaching programs. This investment in the county’s future healthcare workforce ensures that residents will continue to have access to high-quality care.
Building a Thriving Business Climate
Under Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant’s leadership, Will County has experienced near-record job growth as the County has seen a surge in employment opportunities, driven by strategic investments in infrastructure and business-friendly policies.
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This period of growth underscored Will County’s appeal as a hub for businesses and highlighted its resilience during challenging economic times .
Through her efforts to attract new businesses, support job creation, and promote regional economic partnerships, Jennifer has made significant strides in boosting the economic vitality of Will County.
Preparing for the Jobs of Tomorrow
Jennifer is working to bridge the gap between local residents and employers, ensuring that job seekers have access to available employment opportunities and essential job training.
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The establishment of Invenergy’s $30 million Center of Excellence in Bolingbrook represents a significant milestone in training and manufacturing within Will County. This state-of-the-art facility is designed to equip residents with industry-relevant skills, ensuring they are well-prepared for the jobs of tomorrow. This project underscores Bertino-Tarrant’s commitment to aligning economic development with future-oriented industries, ensuring that Will County remains competitive in the evolving job market.
In addition to expanding current services, Bertino-Tarrant has also prioritized understanding and addressing the specific transportation needs of residents who rely on paratransit services. To this end, she initiated a paratransit market study to gather data and feedback from the community. This study is a critical step in ensuring that paratransit services are effectively tailored to meet the needs of those who depend on them, particularly individuals with disabilities and older adults.
Supporting Existing Businesses
WJOL Article >
Beyond attracting new businesses, Bertino-Tarrant has also been committed to supporting existing businesses and fostering a skilled workforce.
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The administration has facilitated free workshops for local business owners, such as those offered through the Illinois Business Enterprise Program. These workshops are designed to help businesses, particularly those owned by minorities, women, and veterans, navigate the complexities of government contracting and access new opportunities for growth.
In addition to expanding current services, Bertino-Tarrant has also prioritized understanding and addressing the specific transportation needs of residents who rely on paratransit services. To this end, she initiated a paratransit market study to gather data and feedback from the community. This study is a critical step in ensuring that paratransit services are effectively tailored to meet the needs of those who depend on them, particularly individuals with disabilities and older adults.
Engaging the Community
Shaw Local News Lockport Township Article >
Shaw Local News Mills Road Project Article >
Will County News Article >
Chicago Tribune Truck Route Article >
WJOL Article >
Chicago Tribune Charging Station Article >
Jennifer believes that active engagement with the public leads to a better understanding of the specific needs and concerns of residents and leads to informed decision-making on public initiatives.
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That’s why Jennifer has taken action to empower residents by providing them a platform to express their opinions and contribute to shaping the policies that affect their lives.
Jennifer’s administration recently hosted the Envision Fairmont Fair, which engaged the Lockport Township community in discussions about future development and improvements. This event allowed residents to provide input on local projects, reinforcing her commitment to listening to the community’s concerns and ideas.
Additionally, the county organized public information meetings regarding the Mills Road and Cherry Hill Road projects, where residents could learn about updates and plans directly from county officials. Because transparency is vital, these meetings provide a platform for residents to ask questions, express concerns, and stay informed about local infrastructure projects that affect their lives.
Bertino-Tarrant’s administration has also hosted virtual open houses focused on the County’s Long-Range Transportation Plan, allowing constituents to participate and contribute to discussions about transportation needs and improvements from the comfort of their homes. This approach not only broadens participation but also shows a commitment to using technology for greater accessibility.
Addressing Food Insecurity
Shaw Local News Food Pantries Article >
Shaw Local News Free Grocery Store Article >
Shaw Local News Sharefest Article >
Shaw Local News Storm Aid Article>
Shaw Local News Food Giveaway Article >
No one in our communities should go hungry. That’s why Jennifer is helping Will County partner with local communities and charities to expand micro-food pantries.
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These pantries provide essential resources for families facing economic hardships, helping to ensure that no one in the community goes hungry. Her office has also organized large-scale food giveaway events in communities throughout Will County. These efforts were particularly crucial in response to emergencies, such as the food giveaway organized for residents impacted by the recent storms.
Investing in Families
Patch Article >
Shaw Local News Article >
Your Times Southland Article >
Will County News Child Care Article >
Free Press Newspaper Article >
Will County News ARPA Library Article >
Jennifer has demonstrated a strong commitment to making key investments in local communities to support growing families throughout Will County.
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Her administration launched a grant opportunity for childcare providers, recognizing the importance of supporting working families by increasing access to affordable, quality childcare. This initiative is part of a broader effort to invest in services that directly benefit families and contribute to the overall well-being of the community.
Investments in local libraries through local, state and federal funding illustrate Jennifer’s ongoing commitment to supporting educational and cultural resources, ensuring that all community members have access to essential services. Jennifer helped direct a $269,000 grant for a new outreach van for the Joliet Public Library. The investment helped expand access to library services, especially for underserved populations, thereby fostering educational opportunities for all residents.
Moreover, Jennifer’s administration helped secure $500,000 in federal funds for dam improvements in Wilmington, highlighting her dedication to enhancing community safety and resilience against environmental challenges.
Helping Connect Residents to Local Employers
WJOL Article >
Shaw Local News Article >
Patch Article >
Jennifer has been actively working to build talent pipelines between job-seekers and local employers.
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Her administration actively engages the community through events such as job fairs, training and resume building workshops, helping residents throughout the county. Further, Jennifer’s team hosts events to support veterans, individuals with disabilities and ex-offenders seeking jobs.
Recognizing the importance of education in workforce development, Bertino-Tarrant’s administration has implemented scholarship programs aimed at residents pursuing careers in critical fields like nursing and teaching. By offering financial assistance, these scholarships encourage individuals to gain the skills and qualifications needed to thrive in high-demand professions, which ultimately benefits both the workforce and the community at large.
Attracting New Businesses and Investments
Times Weekly Article >
Chagaco Tribune Article >
Patch Harbor Freight Article >
Patch Joliet Casino Article >
Will County Economic Development Article >
Clay Corp Article >
Bertino-Tarrant has played a crucial role in bringing significant business investments to all areas of Will County.
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The opening of Harbor Freight Tools’ new facility in Joliet, creating hundreds of new jobs, highlights the county’s appeal as a destination for major companies seeking to expand their operations. The establishment of Lion Electric’s school bus factory is not only bringing thousands of jobs to the area but is also expected to transform the local manufacturing landscape by promoting innovative and sustainable practices.
Central Steel Wire Company’s new headquarters and operations hub in University Park showcases the county’s ability to attract large-scale industrial operations in all areas of the county, creating jobs and boosting the local economy.
Additionally, a new $185 million casino in Joliet is expected to further boost the local economy by attracting visitors, creating jobs, and generating additional revenue. This investment is set to position Will County as a competitive player in the entertainment and hospitality industry, rivaling similar developments in larger cities across the country.
Driving Long-Term Growth in Will
Bertino-Tarrant has also been praised for her efforts in ensuring continued business development in the region. Jennifer has been instrumental in Will County’s involvement in the Greater Chicagoland Economic Partnership, a regional collaboration among seven northeastern Illinois counties and the City of Chicago.
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This partnership aims to leverage the region’s extensive freight infrastructure, diverse talent pool, and strong exporting industries to create a competitive global identity. Bertino-Tarrant has emphasized the importance of regional cooperation to develop a comprehensive economic development strategy, which is expected to drive long-term growth in Will County and beyond.
In addition to expanding current services, Bertino-Tarrant has also prioritized understanding and addressing the specific transportation needs of residents who rely on paratransit services. To this end, she initiated a paratransit market study to gather data and feedback from the community. This study is a critical step in ensuring that paratransit services are effectively tailored to meet the needs of those who depend on them, particularly individuals with disabilities and older adults.